The Message Matters

The message matters. And not just any message. There is only one that will save and that is the message concerning Jesus Christ. This is never more clearly stated than in the first several chapters of 1 Corinthians.
Paul had been very exact in his presentation of the Gospel to the Corinthians. He didn’t use fancy words or persuasive tactics in his communication. He simply preached the death, the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Add to this message or take away from it and you have robbed it of its power.
The Corinthians were doing just that. Many of the Corinthians believed water baptism was part of the Gospel message. Others relied on the wisdom of man as the way and means of knowing God. But these just caused all kinds of confusion and even divided the believers to the point that Paul called them babes in Christ.
There is nothing we can add as far as the Gospel is concerned. It is all of Jesus and none of us. His death took away our sins. His resurrection brings life to our dead spirits. This doesn’t make sense to us. It even sounds like foolishness. This isn’t the message our minds would conceive. That is why it had to be revealed to us by the Spirit of God.
To those who accept the message for what it is, it becomes both the power of God and the wisdom of God. The message does matter. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

13 thoughts on “The Message Matters

  1. I now spend every day praising the Lord for giving me the love and rest that I was looking for in the true message of what Christ accomplished for us. It has been amazing going through the word again in this new light, and being able to see our precious Father painting a picture of the coming salvation HE was going to provide. What an incredibly merciful and loving Father we have, who alone is worthy of all praise and honor. Pray for my husband and I to walk in the boldness of proclaiming this wonderful news whenever the Lord puts people in our paths that are in desperate need to hear it.

  2. I went to a friend’s Christian funeral the other day. We were not really close, but we shared numerous lunches.
    The words of friends and family were very true, heartfelt and eloquent in reference to the dear loved one who has passed on to be with Jesus I am certain.
    Something that I observed, however, was that Jesus was mentioned only once during the entire service by the so-called “Reverends” – the two ministers of the church. Just one statement referring to something Jesus said.
    There were many references to “eternity” and “mystery”, and there was symbolism with several candles: the candle of life, the candle of memory and the candle of mystery. There was reference to God, to the mountains and to the beauty of nature, to acts of kindness, love and peace. It was all very nice, but there was, however, no talk about who Jesus is, and what He has done for us.
    It got me to thinking. I reflected on how I had introduced myself to someone before the service began. I sometimes introduce myself with: “Hi, my name is Myles – with a “Y”, because I like to ask the question ‘Why?’ “.
    I now know “why?”, so I don’t think I will use that introduction anymore. Perhaps I will say instead: “Hi, my name is Myles – with a “Y”, because I know why!”
    The experience also made me think about what I would like for my eulogy:
    “Welcome everyone. Here is someone to give the eulogy for Myles.”
    The person will go to the front, and then say:
    “Thanks for coming. Join us for coffee and tea, and some of those marshmallow squares that Myles liked so much!”
    Jesus – would also only be mentioned only once. It might cause people to dig as to “why?”

  3. Totally true–The Message counts. Myles, your comment gave me pause to think–sometimes Jesus gets lost in the fluff of the stuff.. (talking about everything religious and hardly talking Jesus).
    Bob, this message makes so much sense to me know, but it took the revelation through the Holy Spirit to do so. Before, I knew why Jesus died–well, the verbiage of it, but not the reality of it. I didn’t understand why the virgin birth was so important, nor did I understand the meaning of the resurrection. I just knew that “Jesus died for my sins”, although I had not a clue as to what THAT meant, either. Wasn’t until I came into contact with the People to People ministry when the total Gospel message was made clear, and the mystery revealed.
    Thanks for keeping it real.

    1. Jesus is the message. And we can marvel at all of His creation, but it is all about him. People to People certainly gets it. Thanks for being a catalyst for this singular message.
      People who shout out “Allah Akbar!” – God is great!, need to have someone shout back,
      “Yes ! – Jesus!”
      Again, the answer to “Why?”

  4. Amen, Brother Bob!
    Romans 4:25(NIV)
    25 He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

  5. I have been a listening since 1995. I now listen on the internet. I am president of our church’s laypersons. I was asked to speak at our 8a.m. service. I knew I wanted to speak about the new convenant but I was not sure if that would be the right time. I was praying about and went to the internet and listen to you speak about 911 and the new convenant. I knew then that is what I should speak on. I spoke about it and there were about 30 people there. After I got through speaking half of them gave me a standing ovation and the others clapped long and hard. The pastor got up and gave comments about the gospel, the birth,the death and the ressurection. One of my cousins who I had been telling this for years came up to me and said he felt it and understood what I had been saying. During morning service and the afternoon service people kept coming up to me telling they had heard about the service and appreciated the message that was given. I thank the ministry for giving me the information so that I could proclaim the gospel. I know that I will never stop. God Bless People to People. Grace and Peace. Andrew Bryant,Jr.

    1. Andrew, keep speaking the truth of the New Covenant into the lives of others. People need to know His love and experience His life.

  6. This week I have been so enamored at the release of Galid Shalit from captivity of 5 years.
    Some of you may know this and others may not, but Israel exchanged over 1000 Palestinian terrorist for this one Israali.
    What a visual in a sense of the Cross…God the Father gave HIS perfect Son so that I could go free from sinc The chains of Sin.
    When I saw Galid finally finally step foot on free soil, the beautiful land of Israel, my spirit lept with Joy at the reality of the situation.
    Without Christ taking my sin, I would have had no hope of being free to receive LIFE.
    Sometimes just by habit when I do wrong I find myself saying…”Jesus please forgive me,”
    Then I’ll stop myself and say, “Thank You Jesus I am forgive’ help me to love you back with all my heart.” Thank You for loving me and setting me free.”
    God Bless all of you at PTP….I don’t think you will ever truly know just how must people God has used you to help set free.
    But I pray he gives you an idea. 🙂

  7. Bob – YES!!! The message matters! Sometimes when Debbie and I are teaching about grace, freedom, exchanged life, etc., someone will will inevitably speak up and say, “isn’t it just a matter of semantics – we agree, you just are saying it a different way.” I always answer with a very strong NO! Our message (The Reality Group – and your message (People to People)is very specific and is in total harmony with the scripture because it is TRUE and the truth will make you free!! Hallelujah – what a Savior!

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