Why is this so hard to say?

“I’m wrong.”
I'm wrongIt is hard for these words to roll off the tongue.
Pride doesn’t want to admit it. Fear won’t allow us to admit it.
Our pride tells us we are basically good people. Admitting that we are wrong might sully that good reputation.
Our fear doesn’t want to deal with the “potential” consequences.
Neither is of the Lord.
God calls us to walk in truth. Often times that means admitting we are wrong. The Bible calls this confession. It is simply agreeing with God.
Knowing that Jesus loves us puts our fleshly pride and fear in their place. Trust Him. Walk in truth. Go ahead and say those dreaded words, “I’m wrong.”
It will work together for good, just as He promised.

I Can’t Let Go of the Past

Oh, the things we have done in the past.
pastMaybe it’s not things plural. It could be just one thing that haunts us and makes life miserable for us today.
Like the guy who thought he was eternally condemned because of something he said about God during his teenage years.
Or the lady who bases her self-image on a one-night-stand she had in college.
Yes, these sins have their consequences, and in both of these cases, the consequences have been severe. So severe, that the sins of the past are ruining their lives today.
Is there a way to let go of those sins? Is there a way to leave them in the past?
The Bible answers with a resounding “Yes!” And this answer is tied to forgiveness.
The word forgiveness means to send away or to let go. When the Bible says that your sins have been forgiven, it means that Christ has…

  • Removed your sins from you – Psalm 103:12
  • Sent your sins away – Hebrews 9:28
  • Dismissed your sins – Romans 4:7
  • Let your sins go from His further notice or care – Hebrews 10:17, 18
  • Released you from your relationship with sin and death and set us free to experience new life in Christ – Romans 8:1, 2.

Here is the good news. Jesus Christ does not dredge up your past sins and use them against you.
He judged your sins and suffered the penalty of death for them. Then, He sent them away.
Let this truth soak in.
You will realize there is no need to let your past sins enter the equation in determining your present or your future.
The work of Jesus defines who you are today. In the past you were a sinner. But not now. Through faith in Jesus Christ, you are a child of God, totally forgiven and perfectly loved.
Have you struggled with letting go of the past?

How Many of Your Sins Have Been Forgiven?

My favorite passage is in the book of Colossians. (It is hard to pick a favorite, I know, but if I had to, this one would be it.)
Here it is.

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority. In him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of the sinful nature, not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by Christ, having been buried with him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Colossians 2:9-15 (NIV)

Here are the reasons this passage tops my list of favorites.

  • It starts with Christ and ends with Christ. In six verses, Paul explains who Jesus is and the meaning of His death, burial and resurrection.
  • I learned that my real problem was spiritual death, and that something had to happen to me before change could take place in my life. I had tried to be God’s guy, but my efforts came up woefully short.
  • In the plainest language possible, it states that all my sins have been forgiven.
  • It also tells me that the law of sin and death has been taken away.
  • It declares that my enemy was defeated and disarmed through Christ’s triumphant victory at the cross.
  • It tells me that I am complete, or have fullness, in Jesus Christ.

Some thirty years ago is when this passage hit my heart. I was confused about Christianity, and why I was such a colossal failure as far as my Christian life was concerned. Paul’s straight forward words flipped a switch in my understanding. I felt forgiven and that there was hope for me. The weight of trying to do it on my own was lifted. But more than anything, I felt alive.
Perhaps you feel defeated in your Christian life, or that you are mired in guilt and shame. It could be that you sense an emptiness deep within your heart, or that something is just plain wrong with you. If so, read this passage carefully. Jesus knows where you are. Who He is and what He accomplished through His death, burial and resurrection can change who you are. This passage was the catalyst for me to look to Him. I pray it will be the same for you.

A New Book That I Highly Recommend – Get 25 Free Gifts If You Get It Now By May 7th

My friend Frank Viola has just released a new book called God’s Favorite Place on Earth that could literally change your relationship with God, help you defeat bitterness, free you from a guilty conscience, and help you overcome fear, doubt and discouragement once and for all.
God's Favorite Place on EarthThis is a book that will jar you out of your “Christian rut” and give you new eyes for looking at EVERYTHING. It’s a quick, inspiring, and entertaining read.
In addition, if you get the book between May 1st to May 7th, you will also get 25 FREE GIFTS from 15 different authors including Jeff Goins, DeVern Fromke, Pete Briscoe, Frank Viola himself, and me. Order Frank’s book this week and you will get a copy of my book Love Is.
Over 47 Christian leaders have recommended the book, including me.
Here is my endorsement for “God’s Favorite Place on Earth.”
“This book fastened my heart and mind on Jesus Christ. I count it as Frank Viola’s best work. His passion for and love of Jesus Christ are on full display. But more importantly, Jesus Christ is on full display. The setting is Bethany, a little village atop the Mount of Olives. The story is told by Lazarus. It is powerful and moving. Be prepared to step into the story, to take a place in Bethany and encounter Jesus like never before.”
The premise of the book is simple and 100% Biblical: when Jesus was on the earth, He was rejected everywhere He went . . . from Bethlehem, to Nazareth, to Jerusalem. The only exception was the little village of Bethany.
The curtain opens with Lazarus, who is now ready to die, telling the incomparable story of Jesus’ interactions with him, Martha, and Mary. God’s Favorite Place on Earth blends drama, devotion, biblical narrative, and first-century history to create a riveting book that you’ll find difficult to put down. Within each narrative, the common struggles Christians face are addressed and answered.
Go to to claim your 25 FREE GIFTS, read a Sampler of the book, and watch the gripping video trailer.