Revelation 4 takes us into heaven. The scene is astonishing.
John looks and sees a door standing open in heaven. Jesus bids him to enter to see all that is to come. John’s eye is immediately drawn to the throne of God. John will refer to God’s throne forty different times throughout the book of Revelation. The throne is a symbol of God’s authority and rule over all things.
Like Ezekiel (see Ezekiel 1), John stretches the limits of his imagination to describe the One sitting on the throne — His brilliance like gemstones and the light encircling the throne like a rainbow of emerald. It was the best John could do to describe the One “who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light…” 1 Timothy 6:16 (NIV).
Twenty four thrones with twenty four elders sitting on them surround the throne of God. John does not identify these elders. He is more impressed with their worship of the One who sits on the throne.
John also sees four living beings covered with eyes front and back. This vision is much like the vision of Ezekiel as well. These four living beings represent the entire created order. These four living beings sing Holy, Holy, Holy to the Lord both day and night. In response, the twenty four elders fall down and worship the One “who always was, who is, and who is still to come.”
Truly, the Lord is the only One worthy of our worship and the only One worthy of our praise.
The final verse is worth noting. We exist because God created what pleased Him. We are pleasing to God, and we show forth this reality when we give glory, honor and thanks to Him. When we do, our hearts are most satisfied.
Revelation for You
In what ways does this look into heaven change your perspective on the things of this world?
Does this chapter change your understanding of worship and the importance it holds for daily living?
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