The Shepherd

Sheep need a shepherd.
The Bible says that we are like sheep constantly going astray. What does that say about us? Regardless of how smart we may think we are, or how much we believe we have matters in control, we need a shepherd.
This is a hard truth to swallow. It goes against the grain of our independent, rebellious, fleshly selves. But it is true none the less. Without a shepherd, life is painfully difficult.
After an intense period of ministry, Jesus retreated with His disciples for a time of rest. But the crowds followed and pressed Jesus for more attention. Matthew wrote that when He saw them, “He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36).
Harassed and helpless; that is where we end up when we do not listen to the voice of Jesus; when we lean on our own understanding to figure out life.
I’ve been there and so have you. Even today as someone who knows Christ, my pride and ego can convince me that I have life under control. Pride and ego are not very good shepherds. I think the Bible would call them wolves. They never lead us down the right paths or restore our souls, or protect us. They lead us into chaos and rob us of our peace and security.
But not Jesus. He is the good shepherd, our good shepherd. He laid down His life for us. He secured us as His own. John emphasized this in His gospel account. “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.” He guides us down the paths of righteousness, He protects us from the deceitfulness of the world and He restores our souls.
As we grow in our knowledge of Christ, we learn to lean more and more on Him as our great Shepherd. Our spiritual ears become more sensitive and responsive to the sound of His voice. That is just one aspect of the change that takes place inside of us once we are made alive in Christ. We hear His voice and we follow.
There was a time in my life that I was a sheep without a shepherd. I had no sense of direction or purpose. I was quick to listen to the voices of the world which only added to my inner turmoil. Life was miserable. I needed a shepherd, the Great Shepherd and overseer of my soul.

9 thoughts on “The Shepherd

  1. We have to be so careful who we listen to. I appreciate PTP. It makes my soul feel at peace and at rest. I was listening to a radio preacher yesterday and in 5 minutes he had me doubting my own salvation. I became despondent and sad. I have followed the Lord and the Grace message for many, many years and yet even now I have to be careful what I allow myself to listen to.
    Jesus be praised for doing it all.
    That other preacher had me take my eyes off of what Jesus has done and put them back on my sins. satan wants that.

    1. THAT is an awesome response, Donnetta. It just reinforces the fact that although we are alive in Christ, we still have old thought patterns that can creep in from time to time and cause all sorts of havoc and despair – until Jesus turns our attention to Him and His love for us. I can totally identify with your situation and your reply was a great encouragement to many and myself.

    2. Donnetta, thanks for your transparency. The voices of the world try to drown out Jesus’ voice. Thankfully, His voice rises above the noise of the world, and reassures our hearts.

    3. Yes Donnetta, thank God that Jesus did do it all for us. I have to be reminded of that too, because it is so very easy to be caught off guard in this wild world. He is truly the keeper of our souls. I’m reminded of Hebrews 7:25 ;
      “Therefore He is able, once and forever, to save completely those who come to God through Him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.”
      Thank you Jesus, Bob George, BC, PTP, Keep pumping out
      the true Gospel of Jesus Christ!

  2. I concur with Donnetta. Even after being set free, a little leaven or a little legalism can creep back into our mindset and before you know we are bound again. Thank God for His Holy Spirit, Who guides us into all truth. As we grow in knowing Him the Spirit within bares witness with our spirit and exposes error and illuminates truth. We can then sweep that old law out.
    I heard a similar expression on the radio recently, so I was leery of the title. This preacher said, “every sheep needs a shepherd, so if you don’t have a church home, I’d be blessed to shepherd you.” I should have known that People to People would point to The Great Shepherd Jesus.

    1. True, Neil. I think when we try to put ourselves in the role as other people’s shepherd, we do both ourselves and others an injustice. Bob–I never thought of pride and ego as wolves (dressed in sheep’s clothing), but you have a point. It might look alright on the outside, especially if we’re “trying to do good”, but on the inside, it’s eating us up.
      Donna, you’re right, we need to be careful? I decided a long time ago, that PTP would be my ‘earthly’ ministers to listen to. I don’t have the time or energy to wade through others. I’m sure others share Jesus, too, I just don’t have time to seek them out. As long as PTP points everything back to the Good Shepherd, it’s all good. Thanks, Bob and PTP gang for carrying on the torch in the manner it needed to be.

  3. I Second the motion!
    …that ones pride and ego are ravenous wolves and can get us in a lot of turmoil and they make every effort in robbing us of our joy in the Lord God.
    I have to also remind myself that I to need a Shepard, and only Jesus Christ is the one that can lead me in the way thats most profitable to me.
    Romans 8:28 “All things work for good to those who Love God…”

    1. Here, Here! Another thing I have learned over the years (am still learning/practicing) instead of thinking how ‘others’ needed to hear this sermon or that…. ask God instead, what He would have me learn from that. All things indeed work together for good, to them that love God.

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