The Star Spangled Banner

Last week I visited Fort McHenry in Baltimore Maryland. This fort is best known for the role it played in the war of 1812. The soldiers who occupied this fort successfully defended the Baltimore Harbor from attack by the British Navy.

the banner yet waves…National Parks

Francis Scott Key was aboard a British ship anchored in the Baltimore Harbor to negotiate the release of prisoners. While on board, he learned of the British Navy’s plan to attack Fort McHenry. He was not allowed to leave the ship until the battle ended. As he penned, he watched “the rockets’ red glare and the bombs bursting in air” throughout the night.
The dawn of September 14, 1814, Key saw the American flag, 30′ by 42′ in size, waving over Fort McHenry. The sight of “old glory” inspired him to write the famous words of The Star-Spangled Banner.
This powerful poem captured the essence of the indomitable American spirit. Some 100 years later, by decree of Pres. Woodrow Wilson, it was adopted as our national anthem. Once adopted, the Star-Spangled Banner was inextricably linked to the American flag as symbols of our freedom.
We cherish these symbols and the American way of life they represent. The very act of singing the national anthem as we fix our eyes on a flag waving in the distance invokes a sense of patriotism and thankfulness in each of us.
We are privileged as American citizens to have freedom of religion, free speech and the right to pursue happiness, just to name a few. These are the qualities of freedom that these wonderful symbols point us to. They also issue a warning that these freedoms could be taken away or lost. We should never take them for granted.
What we have in America speaks of a greater and more enduring freedom, one whose symbols are a wooden cross and an empty. These symbols point us to the newness of life we have in Jesus Christ, a life marked by freedom from sin and death, freedom from legalism and freedom from the fear of death. These are freedoms that Christ purchased for us and they can never be taken away.
When you think of the cross and empty tomb, what aspects of your new life in Christ are you most thankful for? For me, it’s the truth that I’ve crossed over from death to life. What about you? I would love to hear your thoughts.

8 thoughts on “The Star Spangled Banner

  1. In thinking about the cross and empty tomb, I am most thankful to have learned that His resurrection is not just about me going to heaven. For years, I thought that’s all it was (and certainly I’m grateful for that!) However I led a life bound by addiction, legalism, and underlying despair.
    In recent years, on the other hand, I learned Christ’s resurrection is for me NOW as well. That his death, burial and resurrection are not just a ticket to heaven later, but freedom from sin, death to the old man, and a resurrected new man within me. When I live in that reality, I walk free from the chains that previously bound me.
    I was resurrected with Christ when I accepted His work on the cross. I can live in relationship with Him unafraid. I don’t have to wait to die physically to experience eternal life now (Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent John 17:3. Hallelujah!

    1. Thanks for commenting Suzanna. I love this statement, “I can live in relationship with Him unafraid.” That is the mark of true freedom.

  2. I enjoyed you recalling the experience at Fort McHenry Bob. As I was growing up I remember the challenge of memorizing the first verse for my Aunt Helen. I did learn it well and always with great pride sing it when ever the occasion arises. I agree that we as Americans are blessed by that which our freedom affords us and never should we allow ourselves to take this wonderful freedom for granted. The fact that our Founding Fathers gave us the Constitution based on what God had lead them to pen.Praise God for what we have been afforded in this great land.
    The Freedom and Rights granted to us by God in our Constitution pales in comparison to that which Christ has granted us at the Cross.
    Early in my God granted Life I remember saying to others that ‘I never have to deal with issue because of guilt’ and their response to the statement. I really believe and Live it yet had no understanding of why. I now know why as the Holy Spirit has led me to the TRUTH of the Cross and the full GOSPEL.
    This understanding, after reading Bobs Fort McHenry visit, is even more amazing as we understand that in America can we truly experience both ‘Freedoms’. That is why “Becoming a Voice” is an important undertaking for the many in our lives that only enjoy the freedom granted by those who have fought and died so we can here in the USA. How much more will they enjoy the Freedom granted by the one who gave His Life for you to give His Life to you and to Live His Life through with TRUE FREEDOM.

      1. I woke this morning thinking about the fact that I have been truly set Free. Yes the truth has “set me free indeed”! I know that Gods Faithfulness leads me to the Truth that set me free yet I am so aware of the struggles.
        The struggles are those items that set up around you to defeat you. Although you are free in Christ in the inner man when you allow the flesh to get out of its Bed with the Dead it tends to set up the legalisms and reminders of the bondage’s you were once and for all set free from. We know this to be true. What is the solution? Faith the Freedom.
        Trusting God to keep the flesh in its place with the dead and this is accomplished by Trusting Him. We have been set free. You can leave all of your luggage on the curb and go with just what you have on. Living out of the New Creation is the greatest freedom you will ever experience as a member of His body. Jesus is carrying you as you trust Him in doing what He came to do that is to Live through You.God has confidence in you to Be a Voice as to this freedom in His Son.

  3. For me, these two freedoms bourne of great sacrifices should converge in the present for the same response advised by Paul in Ephesians and Colossians… “live a life worthy” for what our Lord and others have done for us….

  4. When you think of the cross and empty tomb, what aspects of your new life in Christ are you most thankful for?
    The phrase, “in Christ” means more and more each day. Each day He draws me closer and closer. With a heart full of thankfulness, words fail me at this point.
    Glad you had a great time with the family.

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