My Favorite Bible Passages — #4

Imagine that you are an heir to the Bill Gates fortune. If you do not know, he Tops the Forbes list as the wealthiest man in the world with a net worth of 62 billion.
As an heir, your name shows up in Mr. Gate’s will. What he chooses to leave you is outlined in that document. Upon his death, you will find out the good news.
You had nothing to do with Mr. Gates choices. He made his decisions based on his desires and wishes for you. Just imagine listening to the attorney read off all that is yours.
What if God had will like that for you? What if he made choices based on His desires for you? And what if His choices for you met your every need and heart’s desire?
Here is the good news. That will exists. It is called the New Covenant. The writer of Hebrews includes it in his letter. It is short, but all encompassing.

This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God,and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” (Hebrews 8:10-12 )

For this will you do not have to wait to experience the benefits. The One who made it died. It is in effect. Forgiveness is yours. A new relationship with God is yours. Assurance of salvation is yours. A new heart is yours. In short, you have everything you need or could ever hope for.
God’s will for you is astonishing. You will spend the rest of your life learning of the height, depth, length and breadth of all that He has provided.

16 thoughts on “My Favorite Bible Passages — #4

  1. Prophesy from the.old covenant,The Spirit stating clearly to the blind,the cell door has been opened,His light now freely available to the whom evers,It is for freedom we have been set free.

  2. Notice the last line, “For I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more.”
    In Hebrews 10:17 this is restated as, “Their sins AND lawless acts I will remember no more.”
    Sin is an archery term that means “to miss the mark”. In other words, you tried but failed.
    Lawless acts, on the other hand, are when you are not even trying.
    In the New Covenant, God not only promises to remember our sins no more, He also remembers our lawless acts no more.
    This, truly, is GOOD NEWS.

  3. …during a recent bible study, the topic of inheritance (heaven & eternal life) was mentioned… the conversation crossed many fences & fields.
    I finally realized though I knew what each ‘meant’, I had no comprehension that they are separate.
    I ‘received’ eternal life when I believed God’s promise.
    I know many get confused about this, in part, like me, they know they don’t deserve it…

    1. Because all the law and all the prophets point to and are fulfilled In Christ.Us gentile dogs would have to wait for the gospel given to Paul?

    2. If you read through Ephesians you will see that God’s purpose in all of this was to take Jew and Gentile and make them one man in Christ.
      Eph 2:12 speaks of the fact that when we were separate from Christ we were EXCLUDED from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise….
      Eph 2:19 “Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and MEMBERS of God’s household.”

    3. Good question Deron. The writer of Hebrews is quoting Jeremiah’s prophecy, and he was specifically writing to a Jewish audience. Both Old and New Testaments broaden the scope of the New Covenant to include everyone who calls on the name of the Lord, both Jew and Gentile. Here are several references — Hosea 1:10, 2:21-23; John 10:16, Ephesians 3:6.

  4. This comment is directed towards an answer Richard gave regarding the head wound to the beast. He said that statement referred to the catholic church and I am not sure he is up to date in some areas of escatology. What Richard said about the roman catholic church may be accurate for that period but the most prevalent teaching is that during the coming tribulation the anti-christ will estabish his power even more by copying Jesus and by appearing to sustain a deadly head wound and appearing to come back from the dead and people will begin to worship the beast (anti-christ) even more. satan mimics all Jesus has does. satan creates apostasy and deceives the lost even more during the tribulation period with the church out of the world. This wound and healing will be probably be seem on televison all over the world by everyone during this first part of the 7 year period. The 13th chapter of Revelation speaks on this issue and appears to support this theory.
    You all may want to research some of the more reliable teachings on Revelation, Daniel, etc. so that your escatology answers will be more clear or you should just say you do not have an answer. I have studied this field for over 30 years and this has always been the most taught answer for that question.
    I appreciate the ministry and support the ministry but I felt the need to respond to the answer you gave on the 11/6/2012 broadcast. The questioner left the line sounding confused but you could tell he hated to pursue the issue since no one wants to appear to disagree with what PTP teaches. If Peter and Paul could disagree then surely we who are not apostles will have areas of slight disagreement.
    I am not saying what Richard said was wrong but that I think the answer was incomplete.
    Love in Jesus Always,
    Donnetta McCall

    1. If all the law,prophets,and psalms point to and are fulfilled in the death,burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ,and If Revelation 1: 1-3 states that Jesus himself isThe Prophet and his revelations are prophecy, then perhaps the more interesting question is ” How does This apopolytic disclosure, including the blow to the head also point to the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ?”Does prophesy only point forward or is it a time machine that also points backward to the center of time and space…A cross and empty cave on a hill.

  5. Bob I was told that the Billy Graham ministry site no longer includes or lists the Morman religion (LDS) on their list of non-christian religions and cults. Are you aware of whether this is true or not? I am a long time contributor to their ministry and I have not seen anything about this in the literature they send me. I am completely aware of what Mormons believe and teach in Doctrines and Covenants , Pearl of Great Price, the book of Mormon and other writings from their prophets and it amazes me that a religion that teaches Jesus and satan were brothers and that God had physical relations with Mary to make Jesus and that temple card holding Mormon men will be gods over their own planets could be considered Christianity. The LDS leadership believes many other non-Christian teachings but most regular Mormons do not read all of their literature and they do not know all of the dogma their Bishops and top prophets teach. They call their worship buildings stakes. They call them stakes since they do not believe in the cross they believe Jesus died on a stake. They are made to tithe 10 percent of their paychecks or other income and they must show this income to the Bishop since their word is not sufficient, I will not go on. Those are just a few of the non biblical teachings and requirements former mormon friends have shared with me. Most Christians do not even read our own Bible so it would be no surprise to me that we have no idea what makes life through our relationship with Jesus Christ different from various religions and cults that are growing worldwide while we just sit afraid to share the gospel or pass out a tract. I pray that I will listen and obey the Holy spirit in these last days and do what the Lord desires of me. I wish I had not wasted so much time when I was younger and playing church!!!

    1. Re wasted so much time:It might be that’having the life of Christ” is a quality of our existence and not a quantity!

        1. If the issues, while it is still called Today, are the qualities of Life or Death and not the number(quantity) of sins that you either generated(zero) or dealt with(zero),then it seems that we should quit trying to put notches in our belt.Maybe just wear suspenders?

    2. Donnetta, I saw several postings concerning the Billy Graham organization and Mormonism, but I have not personally checked to see if they actually removed Mormonism from their list of cults.

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