Ten Reasons We Need Grace

Sometimes the truth is hard to take. The truths that are the most difficult to take are found in the bible.
Who likes being called a sinner, or hearing that his heart is wicked, deceitful and beyond cure?
You certainly would not include these in the category of “nice things to say about others.”
The bible not only says these things, it does so with astonishing directness. It also tells us that we were

  • lost,
  • enemies of God,
  • unrighteous,
  • wicked,
  • slaves to sin,
  • deceived and
  • disobedient.

However, the most stunning truth of all is the fact that we were dead spiritually (Ephesians 2:1). Think about that. There was no spiritual life in us at all.
Hard stuff to take indeed.
Jesus had to act on our behalf to change all this. Out of His one act of righteousness flowed His gift of grace to us, a gift that brought to us justification and life.
Without grace, we would still be dead, sinners and all the other things the Bible said about us. In Christ, we are totally alive and heirs of the King.
I do have a question for you. How would you describe spiritual death?

9 thoughts on “Ten Reasons We Need Grace

  1. Spiritual death is disconnection from God. We can still hear
    Him, or hear about Him, but refuse to listen to Him. After
    being born again in Him by faith, we can not only hear Him,
    we want to listen to Him.

  2. When I had NO SPIRITUAL LIFE, I was always searching for something I didn’t have.
    I looked everywhere… and got really good at looking – leaving no stone unturned!
    I could write reames here of the ways the world deceives us into thinking we are living a good life, but let me just say that in the dark of the night, in the quiet of your own heart, you know if you haven’t got it.
    I wouldn’t go back to that place of Spiritual Death for anything you could possibly dream of. Knowing more every day of the personality of our God, is truly remarkable and my real joy.
    How do you think Adam could get up every morning after experiencing LIFE, then being changed to death? Going back to my old life of separation from God, after knowing Him, is beyond my thinking.
    All I can say now is that I thirst no more…
    Thank God for LIFE!
    Kim Burt x

  3. Hi Bob,
    What distinctions (ie contrasts and comparisons) do you see between the terms “spiritual” as in spiritual life/death and the “human spirit?” Adam died spiritually yet he still retained his human spirit which some have called a devine spark, the one thing that separates him from animals.

  4. Spiritual death is a life void of the Holy Spirit, God’s Spirit. Therefore a person who is dead spiritually thinks and acts according to the flesh independent of God’s will.Since God is love spiritual death also means inability to love God’s way and purpose.

  5. Zombies are real! We live among the walking dead…spiritually that is. A great lead in for a youth Bible study BTW! Although, unlike the movie stereo-types that remain dead and are driven to consume flesh; the gift of Salvation moves us from death to life in Christ, in order to free us from our consuming flesh.

  6. How would I describe Spiritual Death? Yikes, spiritual death is actually the life I lived for so long. Yes, I heard about Christ, yes, I believed in what He did for us, but that was all. I kept asking him for forgiveness, literally every night before I went to sleep, I kept trying to remember I did wrong and trying to make it right with God. That was not peace, that was someone dead trying to fill that hole in my heart. That was trying to be busy or active enough to never taking the time to really slow down and take on the fact that His Spirit was already inside of me, the sin issue was already taken care of at the cross and whats more, He gave us LIFE! That was a breath of fresh air in my soul. I am finally FREE! Living dead spiritually drove me crazy, I was living my life in circles. The LIFE we have in Christ is indeed His yoke is easy and His burden is light! 🙂 Thanks for giving us a chance to slow down and think Bob!

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