What Questions Are Christians Asking?

What are the subjects that are of most interest to believers? Here is our top 20 list based on  2,355 calls to the People to People radio broadcast over the last three years.
1. Salvation 124 Calls
2. Forgiveness 105 Calls
3. Marriage 70 Calls
4. Prayer 62 Calls
5. Christian Living 56 Calls
6. Baptism 52 Calls
7. Sin 48 Calls
8. Faith 47 Calls
9. The Church 46 Calls
10. Divorce/Remarriage 45 Calls
11. Death 43 Calls
12. Doctrine/Truth 38 Calls
13. The Holy Spirit 37 Calls
14. Tithing/Giving 34 Calls
15. New Covenant 32 Calls
16. Revelation 32 Calls
17. Jesus 31 Calls
18. Grace 31 Calls
19. Assurance 30 Calls
20. Rapture 25 Calls
Which of these subjects hold the most interest for you? In future posts, I will write about these subjects matters and offer up questions to spark interaction. Concerning future posts, I will be uploading those on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I look forward to hearing about the subjects you want to know more about.

14 thoughts on “What Questions Are Christians Asking?

  1. #2.Did He forgive all sins at the cross or not.Is mark 3 another example of man cant but with God all things are possible.Including forgiving eternal sins.

  2. Today I happen to pick up my copy of Grace Stories and flipped to a page where I had highlighted a paragraph (pg 57)years ago. It said….Jesus Christ could never live in a person unless all of his sins were forgiven. He died for you so He could live in you!
    His life in you is our assurance that you are totally forgiven and secure in His salvation. I never looked at it like that before it was a ah ha moment! OMG a light came on!
    Kare K

    1. Wow….Grace Stories….there’s a blast from the past. Wonder how many Grace Stories can be written since then? Good news still setting people free.
      The thing I’m interested in is putting together a New Covenant curriculum to teach grace to kids. Alas….no time.

      1. Years ago I remember Bob George said to highlight things, that God may not always show you what they mean, but you could go back to them and He will reveal it at another time. I never look at it that way of Christ could no longer live where there was sin. For according to the new covenant the only sin I’ll be held accountable for is the unbelief in Jesus and guess what I’ll never be a unbeliever again.
        Also I have alot of the old books & cassetts, I continue to pass around Vicory over Depression.

        1. Me too Karen, Victory over depression is a gem that I continue to listen to and have also passed loads of copies around.
          Praise God for this ministry, which helped lead me to freedom…

  3. It still bothers me that jesus died for the “quality” of sin yet the sin of unbelief is not included.Who did adam and eve sin against in the garden when they didnt believe?

    1. Adam and Eve’s sin was believing the lie that they could be like God knowing good from evil. Jesus had yet not come and the unbelief is in the the son Jesus Christ. There are alot of poeple that believe in God, but you will find that they do not acknowelge Jesus. So the only sin that will keep us out of Heaven is unbelief in Jesus. Does that help

    2. Hi Frank, as I understand it, the sins of the whole world were forgiven at the cross, Adam, Abraham, me, you, as well as all people in the future were forgiven. Forgiveness is not Salvation.
      Jesus said in John 16:9, “the world’s sin is unbelief in ME”
      Unbelievers don’t need to be forgiven, as they already are.
      An unbeliever needs to come to an understanding that he is dead inside, and needs life.
      So the sin of unbelief is cured by the life of God – the tree of life – Jesus Himself flowing through us.

        1. Only by believing Frank
          The reason unbelief cannot be ‘forgiven’ is because unbelief has to CHANGE, not be forgiven.
          Once changed to a believer, you have life, and along with that comes everything you need for life and Godliness.
          You can never again un-believe once you believe something.
          The only exception to that was dealt with by Paul, when he said they departed from us because they were never a part of us.
          Hope I’ve helped you Frank

    3. Gen 2:16-17 And the Lord God commanded the man, “you are free to eat from any tree in the garden: but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
      So God clearly commanded the man not to eat from this tree and if he did he would die.
      Gen 3:1-5 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘you must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'” “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
      So Satan lied to the woman, first he told her that she would not die when she eats the fruit, thus telling her that God had lied to them. By eating the fruit both Adam and Eve demonstrated that they did not believe God when he said they would die. Not believing is the sin.
      Hbrws 3:12 speaks of why the Israelites wandered forty years in the desert until they dropped dead, it was due to their “sinful, unbelieving hearts.”
      Jesus tells us as recorded in John 16:9 that sin is not believing in him.
      That is why even though God reconciled the whole world to himself, not counting people’s sins against them, you are not saved until you repent of your unbelief in Jesus. That is the only sin that God will not forgive.

  4. We do deal with the sin of unbelief; we have two options:
    1. Remain in our unbelief
    2. Change our minds, and believe that God is who he says he is.
    If we remain in our unbelief, we remain in our death, which we were born into. Nothing changes.
    If we repent; change our minds and believe that He is, and put our trust in Him. We pass from death to life.

  5. As far as the east is from the west is not a number.It is either infinity or zero.Neither can be numbered!

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