The Verdict

My good friend, Frank Reed, hosts the morning show on KLTY in Dallas. The breaking news Saturday, July 13th was the George Zimmerman verdict. Frank wanted to say something and knew he needed to say something about the case that next Monday morning. As he prayed about what to say, his mind turned to his relationship with the Lord and a verdict that was given that changed his life forever.
I read his words yesterday. I immediately asked Frank if I could share his thoughts with you. I know you will be blessed and encouraged. Please post your comments once you read Frank’s article.

Frank Reed
Frank Reed

The Verdict. By Frank Reed July 15, 2013 (as heard on 94.9 KLTY)
The prosecution continued to make their case. It was quite a team he assembled. The best of the best. One by one the accusations came. It seemed to go on for hours. I tried to keep a stiff upper lip, you know, play the poker face thing. But my demeanor sooner, rather than later, had the look of total defeat. Every accusation was true, what could I say, what could I do?
You know the story of the kid with his hand in the cookie jar? Multiply that feeling a thousand times, and it still wasn’t even close to the way I felt. One by one the offenses were laid out. Pride, arrogance, selfishness, greed, lust, envy. The list went on. The weight on my heart felt like the size of an ocean liner. I was utterly, totally, helpless. There was nothing I could say. I was guilty and I knew it.
The only thing left, was the verdict, and my sentence. I had done my homework. I knew what the sentence was. I knew my prospects of surviving this nightmare were absolutely zero. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, the lead prosecutor, the accuser, began his closing argument. This guy made his associates look like school children. Every wrong thought, motive, and action, was told. Then, it ended. “Your honor, the prosecution rests”.
At that moment, there was only one thing I could think of; The Verdict. I sat there, totally ashamed, humiliated, defeated. And then, it happened. A touch on my shoulder. It was him. He was there next to me the whole time. “Frank” he told me. “Hold your head up son, I’ve got this”.
With those words, he stood up and approached the bench. His voice was loud, strong, and crystal clear. “Father”, he said. “On a train heading into Manhattan, in June 1982, Frank made a conscious decision of his heart to follow me. He has not done things perfectly, far from it. At many times I thought, son, what in the world are you doing? But here’s the bottom line; when I died on the cross, I took away his sin. Every single one, past, present, and future. It is written, there is now no condemnation for him. He is undeniably, without a shadow of a doubt, one of mine. I paid his penalty”.
And then I heard it. The words that would set me free. The words that would give me purpose and a reason for living while on earth, and the words that would usher me one day into heaven. It was The Verdict. And it was not guilty. And you can be declared not guilty, too.

3 thoughts on “The Verdict

  1. James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole Law and yet stumbles at just ONE point is guilty of breaking ALL of it.
    Romans 3:23 for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
    Romans 3:10 As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one.
    The Bible makes it very clear, we are all sinners, we are all guilty in fact, we are all guilty of ALL sin. Anyone that claims he is without sin is calling God a liar. The Bible is also very clear that the wages of sin IS death. Romans 6:23 But that is all the bad news.
    The good news is that God loves us, and does not want anyone to perish, so he sent Jesus, in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering for the world. That at his death, the world would be reconciled to God, no longer counting our sins against us.
    Having been reconciled to God by the death of Jesus, anyone could now be saved from the consequence of sin, which is death, by the gift of God which is eternal life. All we have to do is believe in Jesus.
    That his death took away our sins once and for all.
    That his death executed His will which declares that God remembers our sins AND our lawless acts no more.
    That Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven to intercede for us forever.
    Why would anyone reject that message?

  2. I received my “Not Guilty” verdict in Feb 1975. Sadly, I didn’t “really” believe I was not guilty until a few years ago. 30+ years of bondage, what a shame. Listening to messages and reading books about Grace beginning with Bob George and continuing with all of you at Basic Gospel as well as Steve McVey, Pete Briscoe, Tullian Tchividjian and others have made a huge difference in how I view the Lord, myself and the Bible.
    Rightly dividing the Word between Old and New Covenants rather than Old and New Testaments is everything. Thanks for all you folks do to spread the true meaning of the Basic Gospel, a message that changes lives forever! Amazing Grace!

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