What's in a Name — Part 2

How would you like to have an angel of the Lord appear to you in a dream? That’s what happened to Joseph right in the middle of his most trying time. He did not know what to do about Mary.
The angel gave him the news he needed. This baby in Mary’s womb was going to be special, the One who would save His people from their sins. It was God’s nudge to Joseph to hang in there. And he did. He named the baby Jesus, just as the angel instructed.
In Joseph’s dream, it was revealed that all this was to fulfill God’s word through the prophet Isaiah that a virgin would conceive a child and give birth to a son who would be called Immanuel.
Another name for Jesus. What does this one mean?
The name Jesus gives us insight into His mission to save His people from their sins. Immanuel tells us who He is. The name means God is with us. This babe was God in human flesh.
Jesus grew, carried out His mission, was raised from the dead and then ascended into heaven to take up His rightful place at the right hand of God the Father.
But He also takes up residence in us through the Holy Spirit. As Paul wrote to the Galatians, “…Christ lives in me…” As believers, God is with us everyday, living in and through us. Let that sink in. It is truly mind-boggling.
What’s in a name. When it comes to Jesus, our Immanuel, it is good news!

One thought on “What's in a Name — Part 2

  1. Awesome Bob, awesome. Life and is what he came to give what we all lack after first born, we lack life in the Spirit of God, being born after the similitude of Adam and Eve.
    That is how Merciful God is and I am personally thankful, for A merciful God that just love us all no and ifs or buts about this.
    so I changed from being an initiator of flesh to a responder in the Spirit of God in thanksgiving and praise as King David said would be one day psalms 100:4 and he was looking forward, where as we are looking back to this amazing undeserving grace of Father through Son

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