The Source of Forgiveness

The 28 Day Forgiveness Challenge — Day 3
Mark records a fascinating story in his Gospel account. A group of people were gathered at a house in Capernaum to hear Jesus preach the Word of God. The house was packed wall to wall with no room for another person.
After Jesus started preaching, four men arrived carrying their paralytic friend on a stretcher. They had heard about Jesus and his healing touch. This was their opportunity to help their friend. They were determined to find a way to get their friend into that house. The only option they saw was through the roof. They climbed atop the roof, cut an opening and then lowered their friend on his stretcher.
This was faith in action. When Jesus saw it, he looked at the paralytic and said, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Does Jesus’ response seem strange to you? His statement confused the crowd as well and certainly raised the eyebrows of the teachers of the law.
They were thinking, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” (Mark 2:7). These teachers of the law packed deep theological truth in that seven word question. They clearly understood that forgiveness originates with God. God, and no one else, has the power and authority to forgive sins.
Only God can forgive because he is the offended party, the person that we ultimately wrong. Our sins are against him. We are in his debt
Jesus addressed their issue before they ever uttered a word. “Why do you question these things in your hearts?” (Mark 2:8). Then Jesus pressed his point. “…the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” Jesus, God in human flesh, with authority and power, forgave the paralytic.
What is fascinating is the paralytic’s silence. He didn’t say a word. He didn’t ask Jesus to heal him and he certainly didn’t ask Jesus for forgiveness. In fact, he wouldn’t have even been there except for the heroic efforts of his friends. And, yet, Jesus delivered mercy with four simple words, “Your sins are forgiven.”
And He says the same four words to you.
Forgiveness Challenge #3 – Do you truly believe that Jesus has the authority and power to forgive your sins? Read Mark 2:1-12. What does this story teach you about forgiveness? Study Ephesians 1:7:
” In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.”

3 thoughts on “The Source of Forgiveness

  1. Did anyone ask Jesus to forgive their sins while he was hanging on the cross?Is Mark 2 yet another prophesy fulfilled by death burial and resurrection?

  2. Bob, thank you truth here is true and is chewed up and either swallowed or spit back out. I was brought up to be good to get good, and really went to town on that, for a long time, wondering why bad things would happen to me, wondering was I not good enough, and thus try harder and harder, found myself in in a great congruity, being very tired and kept hearing to ask God for more forgiveness, even though it is done and stand back up and move on forward. I did this for years, caught up in my own bondage that I hated, and continued to ask for more and more forgiveness over and over, just to do what I hated to do over and over again, not rightly dividing the word of truth that was to set me free as the word states you will be free indeed.
    It has taken many years of hurt to others and from others to teach me I am plainly just forgiven, 100% all the time since the cross of Christ at his death was not only for me but for all the world.
    Yet when I finally saw this, being forgiven, that there was no more sacrifice, to be forgiven, none not even me asking for it. I had to receive it not go out and get it.
    I found me in a straight betwixt, I could not stop the lust that had manifested in me, lusts of this world, through childhood experiences, good and bad ones. i came to truth whether I sinned or not I was and remained forgiven by God, and wanted still not to sin, I was caught up in that so strong Romans 7 I can claim, every time I wished to do good I found evil present with me and would do what I desired not to do
    I understood it was “I” in the way, and wanting God to lead, yet I would as taught lead, and be convinced I was not in the lead, fooled by my very own flesh nature that wants its own way.
    I am more than glad to see that it is all done by Christ for me, and understand I am forgiven, yet I still sinned in what I hated.
    So what took place when I finally settled it, that I am forgiven it is done for me, thanking God for this, and yet still being sad over doing what I hated to do behind closed doors, yet I carried on anyway, forgetting what is behind me and continue moving toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus, regardless if I sinned or not, and asked others for forgiveness if and whenever I hurt or harmed another, ususally anger between spouse and me and or kids.
    I am happy to report God has never left me nor forsaken me, although others have, and I have others, getting caught up in me self and what I am doing or not doing. So at the end of Romans 7, where it states who will safe me Jesus Christ my savior my Lord. Yeah, learned and am still learning to enter his courts daily with thanksgiving and praise daily, getting so caught up in this, there is no time for thinking stupid thoughts of this world’s aspirations that do nothing but beset us. Do not know how to explain this any better than it all started back in the 1990’s, when I first heard Bob George’s challenge, find anywhere in the word where the disciples asked for ongoing forgiveness, after the death of Christ for us? I first john i:9’d him, and he explained the book of first John and I checked it out, and I saw this was correct, how can God forgive us all, yet God did, it is a fact. And when anyone breaks through this and gives up on self it takes a while to break through to see in Spirit and truth, as you all do,
    thank you for the ministry, Bob George started. God is amazingly wonderful in spite of our selfish selves. Daily learning to just walk by Faith in the finished work at the cross to see the new life in Spirit and truth that Father freely gives through Son. Hope others reading here see as I know I am not the only one that has been in this betwixt and many give up and walk away. I remember that day when those thoughts came. I am not good enough never will be, walk away, and yet I said yes to that I am not good enough and never will be, so I thanked God that I am shown I need God priod, which was not how the enemy wanted me to react, in thanking God for God’s Mercy and getting smothered and covered in God shed blood, for me and all the world. So seeing this I see to just love as in 1 Cor 13:4-7, not seeing this as to convict me anymore as did much, rather today as this is imputed into us by Father through Son to walk as Christ walked by Faith in Father alone

  3. This reminds me of another story, when Jesus asked his disciples, which is better ” to tell a man he is forgiven or to get up and walk”…..In my case, I am hearing impaired and what a huge difference it is to know you are 100% forgiven, your heart has been truly healed, you have NEW Life and it doesn’t matter if I have a disability. If it was better to tell a man to get up and walk, he has been healed, and not forgiven, he will still have “heart” issues, which isn’t a pleasant thing to deal with. We are still dead in our sins. Sure I struggle with it but the important thing is I am FREE. There is a lighter load on my head, my heart and I am here living in this world as hearing impaired, but it makes all things easier for me. For a long time when I was a child, I struggled with my deafness, I kept asking God to heal me, and it was the other way around, almost 30 years later that I realized, He has already finished everything on that Cross 2000 years ago, its for Everybody who accepts His gift, and what a Free gift….Forgiveness, and whats more…His Life! Thank you Lord!! 🙂

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