You Can Forgive Others

The 28 Day Forgiveness Challenge — Day 14
In forgiving our sins, God did much more than speak forgiveness into our lives. He sent Jesus to die in our place, to shed his blood for our sins. That was a must. Forgiveness is always contingent on the shedding of blood. “Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness” (Hebrews 9:22).
In that sacrifice, he removed our sins, placed them on himself, suffered the punishment for them, sent them away, and then chose to remember them no more.
How can we do that for another person? Even if we did die for someone else, would our blood be sufficient to take that person’s sin away? The answer is a resounding “no”. We can’t do for another person what Jesus Christ did for us.
We can, however, extend grace to another person based on the shed blood of Jesus. To forgive others is to extend kindness and favor to another person and to do so willingly
Normally, we demand others to come back to us on their knees asking for mercy before we respond in kindness.
That’s not the way Christ forgave us. He took the initiative. God’s provision always precedes our need. His provision affects change in us.
In kindness, we reach out to those who have offended or wronged us, seventy times seven. We do so on the basis of Christ’s shed blood. The Holy Spirit works this measure of grace into our hearts and empowers us to choose not to count a person’s wrongs against them.
Your forgiveness of others merely reflects the forgiveness you already have in Christ
Forgiveness Challenge #14 – How are you to forgive others according to the two verses below? Think about how Christ forgave you.
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32).
“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you” (Colossians 3:13).

5 thoughts on “You Can Forgive Others

  1. Bob, thank you for the insight God has given you, much appreciated, and received, I see how can I hold anyone’s trespasses against them, since God chose not to hold any against me. When I did not see the love God has for me by Son at the cross, that by this I am forgiven, I just could not truly forgive. What a difference and was not able to Fathom, until God revealed it to me, by not giving up ever wanting to know God, and am still a learning daily and not to be better than another fro I can never be that. I can only see deeper and deeper the Love and be deeper and deeper in love

  2. Hey Bob,in each of the two verses Paul is writing to the “one another’s”.If you don’t believe that God forgave all sin through the shed blood of a substitute,then are you a “one another”?

    1. Doc, if I may, and not to step in, I just see that “one another” is exactly one another it incudes us all to forgive all, just as God has done this through Son, forgiven us all, it is past tense done. So how will one another react to this fact? in appreciation or take it for granted and just steal, kill and destroy, since we are forgiven as the Corinthians did, took the grace for granted and used it as an escape goat to sin all the more without worry, since they were forgiven, and thus the 1 Corinthian letter to them from Paul to prayerfully get these babies to grow up. And they did, for they retained a Godly Sorrow over the worldly one they had to their own gain in whatever their flesh desires were. hope that helps to answer

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