Here are several things that struck me from Conference 220. I wish all of you could have been there. It was a powerful conference. We plan to do it again next year. Stay tuned for details.
- Love benefits others at the expense of self. Sin benefits self at the expense of others. Frank Viola
- We need to pray for a new, fresh revelation of Jesus Christ. He wipes everything else off the table. Frank Viola
- The Christian life is becoming what we already are. Frank Viola
- Jesus is our forgiveness once and for all. Jesus is our life moment by moment. Andrew Farley
- The New Covenant invites us to be obsessed with Jesus Christ. Andrew Farley
- We participated in Christ’s death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and seating at the right hand of the Father. Andrew Farley
- Christianity is not a self-improvement program. Bob Christopher
- Jesus lives in us. With Him in our lives, we should have great expectations concerning the Christian life. Bob Christopher
- When we die to human effort, we come alive to the fullness of God’s love and grace. Bob Christopher
- It is easier to trust someone when you know that they love you. Pete Briscoe