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Category: Holy Spirit

Sat: Tame That Tongue

We can do a lot of damage with these tongues of ours.

It’s no wonder James describes it as a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

With it we bless our Lord and Father.

And with it we curse people who are made in his image.

As James wrote, “these things ought not to be so”.

This raises the question, how do we tame the tongue.

I can tell you this. It doesn’t happen through self-effort.

I bet you’ve already discovered that truth.

No, the tongue is tamed when it comes under the control of God’s Spirit.

If you want your words to build up and give grace to those who hear, walk in the Spirit.

He will not only give you the words to say, but how to say them.

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Categories: Christian Living Faith Holy Spirit

Fri: A New Temple

If you asked an Israelite back in Moses’ day, Where is God’s dwelling place, they would have answered, the tabernacle.

In Solomon’s day, they would have answered, the temple in Jerusalem.

But where is his dwelling place today?

It is not in a temple made by human hands.

On the day of Pentecost he dedicated a new temple, and he filled it with his glory by the giving of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus’ death on the cross made this reality possible. He cleansed us once and for all so that He could take up residence in our hearts.

So where does God live today? In you and me. We are the temple of God.

As Paul wrote, God’s Spirit live in us.

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Categories: Holy Spirit New Covenant

Wed: A New Home

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he told his disciples they would “be baptized by the Holy Spirit not many days from now” (Acts 1:4, 5).

Something significant was going to happen to them.

What, they weren’t sure.

When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were met by the sound of rushing wind and tongues of fire.

The sound brought Jerusalem to life. People hurried to the place where the disciples had gathered wondering. What is this strange thing that is happening?

Peter offered the words of the prophet Joel — the long awaited gift of God’s Spirit had come. God had a new dwelling place on earth — the hearts of men.

Which means, the day you believed the good news, God found a home in you.

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Categories: Holy Spirit New Covenant

Fri: You Are Gifted

You are a gifted person.

Your salvation is a gift.

The Holy Spirit living in you is a gift.

And you have received a gift from the Holy Spirit.

As Peter said, a gift to be used to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

It doesn’t matter what that gift is.

If it is in speaking, you simply speak the words of God

If it is in serving, you serve in the power God supplies.

So today, recognize that in Christ, you are a gifted person.

That you have been equipped uniquely by God’s Spirit to serve those around you as a steward of His grace.

Trust God’s Spirit to use your gift as a blessing to others.

It’s the way to glorify God through Jesus Christ.

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Categories: Holy Spirit New Covenant Identity/Self Image

Thu: The Real Deal

Knock offs and imitations.

Now the world is full of these items.

And many try to pass these items off as the real thing.

But you know they’re not.

They don’t have the seal of authenticity.

The same is true for many religious people.

They profess with their lips they are the real deal, but they don’t carry the seal of authenticity; the promised Holy Spirit.

Now Paul put it this way.

In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him… you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.

And it is his presence in that you marks you out as someone who belongs to Christ.

His presence in you means you are a genuine, authentic child of God.

It is Christ in you that makes you the real deal.

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Categories: Holy Spirit Identity/Self Image

Thu: Let Truth Guide You

Have you ever felt angry? Have you ever experienced jealousy? Do you know why?

Well, the answer is simple.

When you felt the emotion of anger, you were thinking angry thoughts. When you were jealous, you were thinking jealous thoughts.

You see, emotions flow from your thinking.

This is how God designed you. Now you know why the New Testament pays so much attention to your mind. Fill it with truth, and your emotions will follow suit.

And here is the good news. You have the Spirit of God.

Jesus described him as the Spirit of truth and he sent him to live in you to guide you into all truth.

If you want to change the way you feel, trust the Spirt of God to renew your mind with truth, truth that will set you free.

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Categories: Emotions/Depression Jesus Christ Holy Spirit

Thu: The New Temple

One day Jesus marched into the temple and drove everyone out and overturned the tables.

The Jewish leaders responded, “what sign can you show us that proves your authority to do such a thing?”

Jesus answered, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it again.”

This confused the Jews, but they didn’t understand that he was talking about his body. That building was nothing more than a shadow of the real temple.

As Paul said, “God does not live in temples made by hands.” The real temple is the body of Christ. That is where God dwells.

And here is the good news, you became a member of his body the moment you believed. You yourself are God's temple and God's Spirit dwells in you.

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Categories: Identity/Self Image New Covenant Holy Spirit

Fri: Something Spectacular Has Happened to You

After Moses had finished all the work on the tabernacle, something spectacular happened.

A cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.

Can you imagine being there that day?

But that was not all.

When the cloud lifted and moved, the Israelites would set out and follow. The Lord was leading and guiding them in their journey to the promised land.

Now you may be wondering why this is relevant to you.

Well in the same way the glory of God filled the tabernacle, he has given you his Spirit to lead and guide you in your journey just as he did the Israelites.

As Paul put it, those who are led by the Spirit are children of God.

So rejoice, something spectacular has happened to you.

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Categories: Faith Holy Spirit

Wed: One of a Kind

What makes you different, or distinct?

Yes, you are unique, a one of a kind.

But what makes you distinct as a Christian?

Are you different because you pray, or read the bible or give your money?

Are you different because you try to follow the ten commandments?

What is it that distinguishes you as a believer in Christ.

Moses knew the answer.

And it wasn’t the law that set the people of Israel apart.

It was this one simple truth.

God’s presence.

As Moses said, “what else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?”

The same is true for you. You’re distinct because Christ lives in you and fills your life with grace and truth.

And that’s good news!

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Categories: Identity/Self Image Jesus Christ Holy Spirit

Tue: Courage For Your Soul

Here is one of the most encouraging promises in the Bible.

My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.

Now God gave this promise to Moses at a time when he needed a heavy dose of hope and a fresh supply of courage.

While he was on top of Mt Sinai meeting with God, the people were down below fashioning a golden calf.

When Moses saw what was happening he became so angry he broke the tablets of stone.

It left him wondering if he still had God’s favor.

Maybe you’ve felt that way.

Here is the good news believer. Jesus Christ is always with you, living inside of you and walking with you every step of your journey.

It’s a reality that will bring rest to your heart and courage to your soul.

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Categories: Hope Holy Spirit Jesus Christ