The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story - Matthew

Bob Christopher, Bob Davis

The birth of Jesus was a long-awaited event ... the coming of the Messiah. Matthew records the birth of Christ in the first two chapters. He recounts the genealogy of Jesus. He makes a point to connect Jesus to David and Abraham of the Old Testament. The promise to Abraham is revealed in Jesus. "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel" Matthew 1:23

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Categories: Jesus Christ

The Christmas Story - Luke

Bob Christopher, Bob Davis

The Christmas Story, Part 2. From the announcement to Mary through the story of Christ's birth, Luke provides rich detail and powerful truth of the Christmas story. The angel's pronouncement of the virgin birth is a thrilling pronouncement of Jesus Christ and his kingdom. It is worth noting that Mary, while naturally frightened and confused, accepted by faith the fact that she would bear the Son of God. In scripture, when God intervenes in an individuals life it is always to bring favor and show His grace. It is the same for you and me today. You have found favor with God.

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Categories: Jesus Christ

The Christmas Story - John

Bob Christopher, Bob Davis

Matthew and Luke recount the Christmas story from a human perspective. The Apostle John shares the story from heaven-side, from God's perspective. We see this great plan of God unfold from before the foundation of the earth to now being executed in the person of Christ Jesus. It's wonderful to see the Christmas story from this perspective. Let's dive in.

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Categories: Jesus Christ Love