A Place of Rest

Bob Christopher, Bob Davis, Richard Peifer

The world is full of restless people. Restlessness is the result of sin. Adam and Eve were in a state of rest with God before the fall. A relationship with God starts from a place of rest through faith in Jesus' finished work. We don't try to earn God's favor; we simply rest in the work that Jesus accomplished for us. "There remains then a Sabbath-rest for the people of God" (Hebrews 4:9). If you believe that Jesus won the victory through his death, burial and resurrection then you can experience rest in your life.

  • David asks about John 4:32, "I have food to eat that you know nothing about." What does that passage mean?
  • Corey asks how to deal with people who accuse you of false teaching when you take a stand on the grace of God.
  • Ted asks about Thessalonians 2:11 which seems to contradict the idea that God is seeking after everyone.
  • Manuel asks why most churches avoid teaching grace.
  • Lana asks how to counsel her sister who is considering to leave her third marriage. Her sister believes that remarriage has made her an adulteresss.

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Categories: Jesus Christ Theology Bible Divorce