A Debt You Cannot Pay

Richard Peifer, Bob Davis

Richard Peifer joins us today as he discusses the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18. Here are two debtors that owe what they cannot pay and beg for mercy and patience. What do we learn from this? We receive compassion, , and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

  • Bri asks several questions. How many of the Bible authors are in the line of Jesus? Since the Jews are God's chosen people are we to be following Jewish beliefs? How do I better share my faith? I'm the only believer in my family.
  • How do we choose a denomination? What Bible version do we read? Should we read the lost books? Who did Jesus pray to if he is God?
  • I've turned away from Mormonism. How should I address this with my wife?

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Categories: Christian Living Marriage