Christianity is a Relationship

Bob Christopher, Bob Davis

Eternal life is knowing God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son (John 17:3). Knowing God and being known by him is Christianity. If we are going to know him, we must go to him by faith not by religion. This relationship that starts at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ is fulfilled as Christ the Risen Lord comes to live inside of us. It is him working in us that which is pleasing in his sight. It's a win-win situation. We get to know God and through that relationship we know what His will is for our lives.

  • Martin called to ask about the scripture "seek his kingdom and his righteousness" found in Matthew 6:33.
  • Jeremy asks about Romans 11:29. Does it mean that salvation is irrevocable.
  • Jacqueline asks if 2 Chronicles 7:14 is speaking only to Israel?
  • Shiro asks about a message he heard that taught that any death is the appointed time to die.

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Categories: Righteousness/Justification Salvation Bible