The Message of Hope
Bob Christopher, Bob Davis, Richard Peifer
Bob talks about the recent terrorist attack in England. It causes many to question, 'what would I happen if I died?'. Others will look to what we can do to protect ourselves and live in safety. These acts of terror disrupt our minds and make us think the worst could come at any moment. That's why we need to be anchored to truth and be prepared for death. And that's where the Gospel message answers and gives hope.
- Myles wonders if a litmus test for the Gospel might be that of unconditional love since unconditional love is only found in Jesus Christ.
- Brad asks if a dream he had about writing a letter to his sister about the Gospel is from God.
- Paul finds himself in a constant state of anxiety. He asks "what do I think about", based on Philippians 4:8
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Categories: Love Christian Living Emotions/Depression