Grace of Giving

Bob Christopher, Bob Davis

Today we celebrate Veterans Day and honor those who served and continue to serve today. They have secured the freedom we enjoy everyday.

  • "God so loved..." Because God loves we love and can reach out in love to one another. In 2 Corinthians 8 Paul writes about the grace of giving. New Covenant giving is not from compulsion - rather it's a free will gift. As children of God, - because He's a giver - we will want to give..
  • Can you please tell me an easy way to understand "grace" better?
  • Resources for our veterans:
  • Peggy calls to say "thank you so much for everything you do".
  • Gene is concerned for his grandson who is visited by entities.
  • Why cant I get this sadness and loneliness out of my life?

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Categories: Grace Money/Giving Testimonies/Thanks Spiritual Warfare Christian Living