Grace Justifies You Freely
Bob Christopher, Bob Davis
We can't earn salvation. It's not a works based program. We see this in Romans 4 where Paul spells it out that the righteous will live by faith. And to that faith in imparted righteousness. Do you want to be right with God? Do you want to know that all is right between you and your creator? Christ dealt with your sins and took them away, giving you the very righteousness of Christ. Grace justifies you freely because of the work of Jesus Christ
- I don't recall a specific moment of salvation and I struggle with doubt concerning my salvation. What can I do?
- Is grace a substitute or replacement for the law? And in Galatians, is Paul speaking of the stone law or the ceremonial law?
- What is your biblical stance on satan and his place in the life of a believer and what is your biblical understanding of Ephesians 6 about spiritual warfare?
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Categories: Grace Salvation Law Christian Living Spiritual Warfare Holy Spirit