Christ Formed in You
Bob Christopher, Bob Davis
We've seen several high-profile Christians denounce their faith in the last few weeks. Why does this happen? So often we look at Christianity as a self-improvement course or get caught up in what "I need to do for God". They never got fully rooted into Christ Jesus. This is why we spend the time we do talking about the grace of God, the New Covenant, the resurrection, your identify in Christ ... and so much more. "... my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!" Galatians 4:19
- ​What is the definition of God's grace?
- Why would someone want to be raised from the dead? Wouldn't it be cruel to bring them back to a fallen world?
- Simply Grace Conference
- Is the "man of lawlessness" in Thessalonians the same person referred to in Daniel 8:24?
- What is sin? Is it still the transgression of the Ten Commandments?
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