God in the Midst of Worry

Bob Christopher, Bob Davis, Richard Peifer

I've [Bob Christopher] been with Blue Skies Ministry serving as the ministry chaplain. It's quite amazing what the families life's look like. We're here to encourage them, but we are definitely receiving a blessing from serving them.

  • I've always believed "once saved, always saved", but don't we have free will to leave?
  • Can a Christian consume blood? Under the Old Testament it was forbidden. Do we need to refer to Jesus by His Hebrew name?
  • I've had surgery and have much discomfort. The doctor wants to do more surgery. Can you pray that he might find another way?
  • Please explain "cursed is any man under law".
  • My husband and I are new Christians. He hasn't not been able to give up his marijuana. What can he do?

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Categories: Salvation Bible