Walk in the Newness of Life
Bob Christopher, Bob Davis
It's interesting that the good news story starts with death. But you can't have a resurrection without death. Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. So how does that impact us? Paul tells us we've been taken into the story in Romans 6:3-4... "Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? ..."
- Thank you to all those who have given during this time. Many of you have stepped up to help Basic Gospel during these trying times.
- Can you please explain the meaning of Pentecost?
- Simple Gospel, Simply Grace https://simplegospelsimplygrace.com
- May asks about 1 Timothy 2:11-15 concerning women whose children have left the faith.
- When James is referring to sin in James 1:15, is he referring to the sins we commit - like the nasty nine and the dirty dozen - or the sin of unbelief?
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Categories: Resurrection Holy Spirit Bible