The Mediator of a New Covenant

Bob Christopher, Bob Davis

This week and the month of March we'll be talking about the New Covenant. It may sound dull, but this is truly exciting. This is where we live out our lives as believers. We're familiar with the Old Covenant with all its rules and regulations. It was put into place 400 years after the promise given to Abraham. The New Covenant isn't like the Old. God made a declaration and we are beneficiaries of His will. Hebrews 9:15

  • How do you really know when you hear God's voice?
  • Should Christian women cover their heads when we pray?
  • Is our name already written in the Book of Life those that will be saved?
  • I've accepted Jesus as my savior. But there's a problem, rather than loving God I'm sometimes afraid of him and its tiring for me. How can I love him more as my father than a judge?
  • What's an example of "Like sheep to the slaughter"? Are these Christians?
  • How is guilt different from repentance?

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Categories: New Covenant Christian Living Prayer Bible Forgiveness/Repentance