Location and Relationship

Bob Christopher, Bob Davis

Every human being wants to know how to be close to God. Eternal life is defined in John 17:4 - it is knowing Him relationally, from the heart. We are in Christ and Christ is in us. That's the closeness of location. But there's another kind of closeness - that of friendship through the heart. That's the closeness of relationship.

  • What does it mean to obey God?
  • Why did Jesus say "Go and sin no more?"
  • How can Jesus breathe the Holy Spirit to the disciples in John 20:22-23 when it is not yet the Pentecost and He had not ascended to Heaven?
  • As Gentile Christians living under the new covenant, how are we to honor the day of rest?
  • How do i live a life in obedience to Jesus?

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Categories: Christian Living Bible Jesus Christ New Covenant