Faith Comes by Hearing

Bob Christopher, Bob Davis, Richard Peifer

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the message concerning Christ. Where our lives are centered around Him, everything changes. We are called to lived by faith. When we live by faith, we experience joy motivated by the love of God.

  • As a believer, when I pray, do I only pray to our Father or do I pray to Jesus? Do I pray to the Father, in Jesus' name? Do I pray to the Holy Ghost?
  • Genesis 1:26 says "Let US make MAN in OUR image". Is the "US" the Holy Trinity including Jesus?
  • Clay comments that John knew that Jesus would bring another baptism that wasn't about water.
  • If the church is the called out ones (believers) and the Bible say not to be unequally yoked, why do churches invite the unsaved in?

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Categories: Prayer Jesus Christ Baptism Christian Living