The Grace Guide to Marriage - part 10

Bob Christopher, Bob Davis, Richard Peifer

How do we overcome selfishness in our marriage and learn how to serve our mate in love? We have to recognize that first and foremost we are believers in Christ and we live in dependence on Him. As His attitudes soak in, then we can begin to show them to others. Jesus turns greatness upside down. Greatness doesn't mean lording it over people and thinking more of ourselves than we should. When it comes to the things of God, we see that greatness is completely different. It is about serving people. To overcome our selfishness, we have to come to terms with what greatness really means. Jesus demonstrated that to us. He humbled himself, he sacrificed all on our behalf. As we walk in dependence on Him, this attitude of service will begin to flow from us into our marriage. Serving each other in love will revolutionize your marriage.

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Categories: Marriage Love